This weekend the Zombiez foursome, which is made up of King GoZo (Will), Queen Zomberina (Susan), ZomBean (Benita) and ZomGor (Gordon) took a whack at the Phantom Horse golf course at the Arizona Grand Resort. I can honestly say that my game improved from last weekend’s hack and whack session at Gold Canyon. Yeah! Phantom Horse is a very nice course and also very difficult. There are many a blind greens, narrow fairways and some rather difficult dog-legs. Phantom Horse is also known for the infamous 14th hole a.k.a “Jail House Steps.”(pictured above) If the elevated green doesn’t eat your lunch, the massive sand bunkers below the green will do you in. I’ve come to the conclusion that there is some type of magnetic vortex field that sucks golf balls into each sand trap as you sand wedge your way up the hill. If all else fails, a trusty dusty hand wedge does the trick (I’m kidding). The course has many scenic tee boxes and friendly staff. I love friendly staff. The 18th hole is very impressive, with it’s elevated tee box. It has great view of the mountain ranges and the sprawling City of Phoenix. After your 18 is done, I vote you try the little bar in the lounge area. They serve some of the best fish tacos and other very nummy dishes. This course is not for beginners. i.e., the 3-some in front of the Zombiez clan, hit at least 2 balls into the drink, which was about 20 feet from the tee box. Ba-loop. My rating on this course is a 9 on the Zombiez rating scale.
Guest Blogger ZomBean (Benita) adds her course critique:Phantom Horse at Arizona Grand… Grand it is and you’d better be GRAND as well, especially off the first tee box. Why you may ask? Well, all the patrons of restaurant sitting on the patio will be watching you like a hawk. It is a little nerve wracking for the new or intermediate golfer who suffers from a lack of golf confidence or performance anxiety in front of a crowd. And yes, I do mean me. Thankfully however I am a She-Zombie and decided to hit off the She-Tees…(insert your joke here) not in located in front of the clearly amused restaurant patrons.
The He-Zombiez started the amusement with one rapidly shanked ball in the water! The other, made it safely across. Once the warm up at the first hole was over, we Zombiez started on a collaboration of equally good and bad shots at every hole. One of us was on, the other three were off. What was happening? If this had been best ball, we would have done great.
The overall course is a bit odd to me; the front nine is very different from the back nine. I don’t mean that in a bad way, it is just different. I absolutely loved golfing at this course because the scenery and the mountain views are absolutely beautiful! Kudos to the staff at Phantom Horse as well; they are all very attentive. Once the Arizona heat kicks in, someone comes around with ice cold, scented towels to help cool you off. Now that is what I call service! Once you’re done golfing here, you simply have to go into the little bar area and experience the best fish tacos you ever ate! The tacos are so good; I don’t even want to try anything else on the menu!
To book a tee time at Phantom Horse, please email or call:
www.phantomhorsegolf.com or 602-431-6480